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Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Garments

Hydroven 3 Flexible IPC System


Enquire About The Hydroven 3 Flexible IPC System

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    Product Overview

    Hydroven 3 Flexible IPC System – Flexible, Lightweight Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) Pump

    The Hydroven 3 System offers the flexibility of using a simple to use, lightweight pump, with preset cycle times and adjustable pressure settings for individual comfort, making the  Hydroven 3 ideal for providing safe and effective compression therapy in the home as well as the clinical setting .

    As an internationally recognised brand, Hydroven is a hallmark for quality, reliability and service excellence.

    The  Hydroven 3 Intermittent Pneumatic Compression  system provides clinically effective, non-invasive, dynamic compression to the limbs for treatment a wide range of vascular and lymphatic conditions, including venous ulceration, dependent and traumatic oedema and chronic venous insufficiency.

    Its flexible, ergonomic design provides a choice of single or three-chamber compression from a variety of arm and leg garments operated by a single pump.

    Features & Benefits

    Easy-to-use system for active therapy

    The Hydroven 3 System has been ergonomically designed for efficient use in a number of different situations, from the clinic to the home. 

    The controls, indicators and connectors are simple to use and can be accessed with ease.

    Thoughtful design features mean the pump can be handled, transported and stored safely and easily.

    Secure single tube snap lock connection of all garments to the pump enables easy set up and prevents accidental disconnection.

    Automatic detection of single or dual garment attachment makes the system simple to set up. Just ‘plug it in and switch it on’ for active treatment of a range of conditions.

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