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Simple to use device to assist in healing of venous and mixed leg ulcers



Enquire About The WoundExpress™

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    Product Overview


    WoundExpress is an innovative and simple to use adjunctive therapy for lower limb wounds which can improve healing rates, reduce pain and release time to care

    Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) to increase blood flow
    WoundExpress uses Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) to increase blood flow around the leg ulcer, as an adjunt to standard treatment

    Provides therapy away from the wound
    The garment can be easily applied on the thigh of the ulcerated limb, providing therapy away from the wound site

    Ideal for home use
    Used for 2 hours per day at home by the patient, without need for nurse support

    * Please check with your local sales representative if the product is available for sale in your country.

    Features & Benefits

    Patented timing cycle
    WoundExpress has a patented timing cycle that auguments venous and arterial blood flow. By inflating the garment in this special sequence, venous blood flow is increased, even in the presence of venous insufficiency, since reflux is prevented.
    This effect reduces the venous and interstitial pressure and increases the pressure gradient across the arterialvenous pathway, distal to the garment. The result is the removal of high levels of accumulated carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products from the wound site.
    The arterial inflow to the leg subsequently increases and encourages the flow of nutrient and oxygen rich blood into the affected region of the wound, promoting enhanced wound healing performance.

    Three garment sizes available
    The single-patient-use garment with specially designed three chambers is available in three different size to fit all patients

    * Please check with your local sales representative if the product is available for sale in your country.

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    A Patient’s Guide to the WoundExpress™

    WoundExpress™ is an innovative and simple to use adjunctive therapy for lower limb wounds which can improve healing rates and reduce pain

    WoundExpress™ – A Scottish Story

    “This machine is magic. I am forever grateful” – Fergus and his daughter share their journey with WoundExpress and reveal the positive impact it has had on family life.

    WoundExpress™ – Barb’s Story

    WoundExpress™ is an innovative and simple to use adjunctive therapy for lower limb wounds which can improve healing rates and reduce pain.

    A Story of Mobility Restored – Empowering Movement Story​​

    One lady from Helsingborg in Sweden had almost given up on overcoming the pain and immobility caused by years of suffering from diabetes and venous leg ulcers (VLUs) – but WoundExpress™ restored her hope of being able to move freely again.

    785355EN-5 English WoundExpress Brochure

    Type : Brochure Editions : Vascular Treatment

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    785347-7 Wound Express QRG

    Type : QRG Editions : Vascular Treatment

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    785407 EN-1 WoundExpress Patient Guide 6PP

    Type : Patient Guide Editions : Vascular Treatment

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    Wound Express Case Study 785865-2

    Type : Brochure Editions : Vascular Treatment

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    WoundExpress IFU

    Type : IFU Editions : Vascular Treatment

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    Our Supporting Services

    Huntleigh offers comprehensive product service and support contracts which are designed to protect your investment.

    UK Service Support

    Huntleigh Healthcare is pleased to be able to offer our service as an experienced and established repair facility for our Diagnostic Products Division’s equipment.
    Huntleigh have experienced staff that have been repairing Huntleigh and Sonicaid™ equipment for many years, providing support for hospitals and support organisations.

    Explore UK Support

    International Service Support

    Working in partnership, we aim to provide you with support wherever and whenever it’s needed.

    For support in the first instance please contact your local distributor or agent, we are represented in many parts of the world with trained and experienced partners so provide a high level of quality support.

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